Inadequate access to proper forms of education is one of the major problems hampering global efforts to eradicate child labour. In the southern Indian state of Karnataka, the non-governmental organization, Concerned for Working Children, endeavours to provide child labourers with new skills through a specific programme of vocational training, formal education and life skills workshops. Called Namma Bhoomi, meaning "Our Land" in the local Kannada language, this programme provides training so that children can acquire marketable skills and better employment opportunities.
The purpose of this practicum report is to examine the type of education programme offered at Namma Bhoomi and determine what impacts it has had on the lives of child labourers. In order to determine the impact of this alternative education programme upon the children, interviews were conducted to provide insight into the students' perceptions of success and how Namma Bhoomi has assisted them in achieving this success. Interviews were conducted with 60 individuals; graduates, students, drop outs and staff from the programme.